Monday 7 March 2011

Dr. Christy Fergusson

Christy works instore 2 days a week - Wednesdays and Sundays - and she's downright amazing. She's a nutritional therapist, NLP coach and practitioner and a chartered health psychologist. This is her lovely website.

"Eat yourself gorgeous, healthy and happy with the Food Psychologist."

What Christy can do for you:
  • Nutritional Therapy
  • Dietary Analysis
  • Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • NLP & Nutritional Coaching
  • Food Allergy Testing
  • Hormone Testing
  • Health & Nutrition Workshops
  • Food walks
  • Weight Loss Programs

Here's what some of her clients have to say...

"Although I ate good quality, healthy food I was often hungry between meals. My wife would accuse me of hanging around the kitchen like a vulture waiting to be fed. Occasionally I would become dizzy and break out in a sweat. Within a week of changing my diet the dizziness and loss of concentration had gone. With Dr Christy’s help, I have now established a healthy eating pattern that prevents me from becoming too hungry. In addition I now feel more alert and energetic… not to mention the stone I have lost." James, Glasgow

“When you have given up hope of solving your digestive problems- then Christy is the person to see’ Brian, Glasgow.

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